
Dolly Dozier discovered early in life that having a good book and a playful spirit meant she was never bored.

Before she started writing books for young readers, she had an interesting career in PR, media, and the performing arts. She’s an adjunct instructor in the Creative Writing Programs at two community colleges in central North Carolina, and a big community volunteer. Most importantly, she’s a firm believer that the world is what you make it.

Dolly lives in the wilds of central North Carolina with her husband and son, and Magnolia May the beagle. When she’s not writing or telling stories, she likes to spend time outdoors hiking, kayaking, gardening, and riding bikes with her boys. You can keep up with her @DollyDozier.

And you can always find me on Amazon!



Would you like to contact Dolly to request a community HOOPLA, invite her to speak at your school/library/book club, or to just say hi? Send her an e-mail at dolly [ at ] dolly dozier dot com. She loves to hear from her readers!

Headshot by
Peyton Sickles.